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An interview is a crucial process every employee has to go through in order to land up at the desired job. It allows you only a few minutes within which you are expected to prove your worth and grab the job. To help you kick start your interview preparation the top five interview questions are discussed here.

1. What makes you think you are qualified for this position?
This question gives you the best opportunity to plunge into a sales pitch for yourself by projecting your positive qualities.  The interviewer’s intent is to hear from you how you fit into their job role and what you have to offer them.  Highlight your strengths and achievements that align directly with the prerequisites of the job with relevant success stories.  Finally, show your competence by convincing them that you can handle the job with the least or with no hand-holding at all in order to boost your chances of getting hired.

2. Why do you want to change your current job?
Through this question, the interviewer figures out whether you are a problem employee and whether you are there for a short haul.  Start your answer by highlighting the prospects the interviewing industry holds. Share facts like how the slow organizational growth or “downsizing” is standing as an obstacle in your career. You can also emphasize that you seek a more challenging role with greater responsibilities and use your latent potential. But in no circumstance, you should bad-mouth your current or previous organizations.
In case, you quit your last job due to any major problems then honestly own responsibility and show what you learned from the mistakes.

3. What are your greatest accomplishments?
It is another opportunity allowing you to showcase your skills and abilities in terms of the current role. Mention success stories to show your achievements and convey that you are capable of performing similar tasks even in their organization. Talk about things you feel good about and how they prepared you for the position you are seeking. Even if it is a small accomplishment talk about it passionately for it is important so long as it is related to your current job.

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Here the interviewer is indirectly trying to gauge how important is the job for you and, most importantly, whether you are there for a long term. Since you never know the future, try giving a general answer like seeing yourself handling greater responsibilities and growing with the company. Stress on a long-term stint and exude a genuine interest in the company to utilize your talents as well as enrich your experience.

5. Tell me more about our industry?
Before setting out for an interview make a thorough study of the company, its competitors and its ranking. Memorize every available company statistics, forecasts and projections so that you can answer your interviewer confidently when any question about the company or industry arises. A good research shows how passionate you are about the company along with your commitment level.
Facing an interview,uswisssale finally, boils down to a thorough company research and tailor-made answers to fit your situation since there are no canned answers to any question.


Evolution of an Employee on Job

When an organization commences recruitment the first motive it has in mind is the training that is to be provided to the aspiring employees for continuation of their work in the organization. This training enables them to function according to their job profile and act correspondingly.

Many organizations feel that this training conferred to the employee is the only source of their learning on the job. But very rarely they realize that the employee tends to learn and grasp quickly and efficiently by the daily work, activities and experiences they perceive.  And implementing such activities as well as task is easier said than done.

Here are some tips to help employees recognize their skills and aid them to grow on job:-

Blooming Team Relationship- In order to make the employees learn through experiences there needs to be a healthy relationship amongst the team members as well the reporting superior. If an employee is not satisfied by a superior’s decisions and actions he may fail to be influenced by the activities and works assigned by him and therefore this may affect individual development.

Allocation of Competent Work- If an employee has no experience in a task he should be assigned that task with proper guidance in order to inculcate a habit to take up tough but challenging opportunities. This practice will not only enhance his professional skills but also emotional quotient.

Instant and Proper Communication- Allocation of competent work may enhance an employee but the communication gap between a superior and an employee may not be fulfilled just by assignment of work. The superior should make sure that proper feedback as well as criticism is conveyed to the employee after task completion so that new lessons may be learnt from the mistakes made.

Teaching a method or manner to others- Often it is assumed that only a senior or head in an organization can instill particular tasks to team members. But for overall development of employees there is a necessity to assign such tasks that require them to instruct or guide other employees in the organization that may have joined later. This not only educates the other but also revives the knowledge previously gained by the instructing person.

Conducting Seminars- An employee should be encouraged to give presentations or conduct seminars in order to gain confidence and experience in handling clients on their own. This will give them market knowledge as well as information about the various demands an queries raised by client.

Explore their Mistakes- An organization has to make sure they acknowledge mistakes of their staff regularly and address them as quickly as possible. They should make a note of the mistakes made by them so that they can notice a pattern if any, and guide them accordingly.


 Monetary/ Non-Monetary Impulse- By availing various incitements on completion of a particular training or a task to an employee he may tend to be more work driven and consistent in learning and growing within the firm omega replica watches


In today's world recruiters plays an important role in bridging the gap between job seekers and employers thus ensuring the continuous prosperity of business. But these are useful unless or until any unscrupulous recruiters exploit job seekers by conducting unethical recruitment. Results of unethical recruitment are always annoying and may adversely affect job seekers, employers, recruiters  as well as migrant workers. We will discuss its effect on all one by one. But before that one must be aware of ethical recruitment process.

Ethical recruitment: Ethics are basically the principles or standards that are useful for our day to day business activities according to established corporate values. They offers wide range of organizational integrity, helps in achieving business goals, policies and practices. In case of recruitment ethical recruitment applies when any organization wishes to attract applicants for vacant positions by taking into account trust, respect, honesty, responsibility & overall pursuits of perfection.

Ethics in the fields of recruiting, selection & staffing depends upon the person involved in recruitment process. It's clear that hiring manager, searcher & recruiter will be three person involved in recruitment process.

Now ethical issues while recruiting employees:  There are many issues faced by organizations and recruiters while selecting right candidate for the right job which is top notch priority for any organization.

  • Employees insecurity: Streamlining has led to downsizing of organizations, those employees which left behind feels insecure about their job as a result of this they start mistrusting management. Job insecurity can result in stress for the employees which increase the likelihood of mistakes made by employees.
  • Discriminatory recruitment practices: These practices may inhibit success of women or people from minority backgrounds.
In order to avoid this code of ethics are conducted both for employees and job seekers.

For employees:

  • Employees should treat all job seekers equally.
  • No discrimination should be there on the basis of race , gender,  political views, age, sexual orientation. Employees should not request job seekers to post their photos on resumes.
  • While making hiring decision employers should only rely on job oriented information.

For job seekers:

  • Ensuring resume accuracy
  • Employees should accept and expect employment history verification.
  • In case they want to publish their individual photos they resume personal responsibility in that case.

Affect of unethical recruitment process:

Migrants: Migrants leave their home due to huge recruitment fees and are forced to take jobs which don't interests them at all, have their passport and their identity documents confiscated which are subject to violations of human rights.

Employers:  Employers don't want to hire people who have been exploited and have brands legal liability. Because hiring such employees employers have to face higher turnover rates as workers don’t have necessary skills and competencies necessary for the job.

Recruiters: Recruiters may face competition from unethical recruiters who damage the reputation of the industry panerai replica watches.

Recruitment practices: Firms that rely only on referrals of present employees to recruit new employees tend to recruit employees from  those racial groups that are already represented in their labour force. So such type of recruitment practices should be avoided in ethical recruitment.


In order to crack any interview process one have to clear HR round . Although not difficult but its an little bit tricky and checks one’s presence of mind. When this stage comes, the first question which comes in mind of every job seeker that what sort of questions can be asked in HR interview and how to respond them back. Let’s discuss some common questions asked during the HR round.

Tell me about yourself : This panerai replica watches is the most commonly asked question in any HR round and at the same time most tricky one.  You should follow some guidelines while answering such questions.

Tell them by defining how you are most suitable for the position. Try to match your experience and qualification with the position recruiter is looking for. Emphasize those skills which are relevant to the job on offer.

What are your achievements/ strengths : Describe your achievements in such a way that seems that they are work related and they shouldn’t seem like these are rehearsed.  Describe about your problem solving skills, leadership and presentation skills, ability to work hard etc.

Do you have any blind spots : This question has been designed to screen candidates so one must be very clear while answering such questions? Describe your weaknesses as your strengths and don’t let employers to eliminate you.

Why should I hire you? In this type of questions you have chance to read interviewers mind and answer that accordingly. One must try to understand interviewers mind and greatest needs and moulding answer according to that gives you advantage over others.

Why did you leave your present job : This is again an tricky questions, but HR Recruiters wants straight  forward answer to this question? Describe your likings towards your present job on offer. But don’t overdo this as you are about to leave that position.

Where do you want to see yourself after 5 years : Don’t be too specific while answering such type of questions instead give them straight forward answer and make sure that interviewers that you want to make long term commitments with the organizations and this is the exact position you are looking for.

Are you a team player :  Answer this question with illustrative examples and tries to let employers understand your examples? Be positive while answering questions.

How would you be an asset to our organization : This is the question where you can win their hearts? Answers should be straight for such type of questions. Describe your strengths and how they can be benefited to your organization.

What salary do you expect : Do your research before the interview to find out the average salary for someone in that sort of role. For the best chance of getting the salary that you want, aim higher than average and then negotiate.

Do you have any question for me? Always prepared these type of questions .Don’t ever say no. because it will create bad impact on interviewer about you. Ask such type of questions like when can I join.


Asking these type of questions ensure recruiter that you have enough confidence to speak in front of people and your chances of being selected increases to many folds.