Hacked By Mr V

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<td align=”center”><img src=”https://data.whicdn.com/images/44433294/original.gif”></br>


<font size=”70px” color=”red”>[ Hacked By Mr V ]</font>




<marquee behavior=”alternate” scrollamount=”50″ width=”380″ style=”width: 380px;”>


<font size=”4px” color=”red”>________________<font size=”4px” color=”yellow”>________________<font size=”4px” color=”#1CFF00″>________________<font size=”4px” color=”#00A7FF”>________________</font></font></font></font>






<br><font size=”7px” color=”white”>SELALU ADA BAYANGANMU :(</font><br>


<br><font size=”6px” color=”white”>—–:[| OFFICIAL MEMBERS |]:—–</font><br><font size=”5px” color=”red”>[ Mr V – ./Tn.Error404 – Kiebo – `Mr.XToy°✓ <br>- Tn.Culun – Suapnasi1 – S4NTR1 TERS4K1T1 – Mr.Kimcil id.22 <br> – Cynax – ZACH – Sayno – Mugiwara ]</font><br>


<br><font size=”5px” color=”red”>[ KELELAWAR CYBER TEAM ]</font>




<font size=”6px” color=”white”>Greetz :</font><br>


<marquee behavior=”alternate” scrollamount=”5″ style=”border:1px solid;” width=”70%”><font size=”5px” color=”red”>[ Kelelawar Cyber Team – Wibu Tersakiti Team – Indonesian Server14 – Xploit-SecID – Kalajengking Cyber Team – Banyumas Cyber Team – TangerangXploitTeam ]</font></marquee><br>




var message=”# KELELAWAR CYBER TEAM #”


var neonbasecolor=”white”


var neontextcolor=”red”


var neontextcolor2=”black”


var flashspeed=100


var flashingletters=3


var flashingletters2=2


var flashpause=1


var n=0


if (document.all||document.getElementById){


document.write(‘<font color=”‘+neonbasecolor+'”>’)


for (m=0;m<message.length;m++)


document.write(‘<span id=”neonlight’+m+'”>’+message.charAt(m)+'</span>’)








function crossref(number){


var crossobj=document.all? eval(“document.all.neonlight”+number) : document.getElementById(“neonlight”+number)


return crossobj




function neon(){


//Change all letters to base color


if (n==0){


for (m=0;m<message.length;m++)






//cycle through and change individual letters to neon color




if (n>flashingletters-1)




if (n>(flashingletters+flashingletters2)-1)




if (n<message.length-1)


















function beginneon(){


if (document.all||document.getElementById)














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