"Later when we meet again, the feeling will not be the same
I don't know if it comes from one side
I think she knows I like her"

[log entry] [8:30 pm] [original index here]

indeed love must come from both sides

i realized that I was just an illusion about her feelings for me. A love that can be said to be ambiguous. Someone said, if you don't tell her that you love her, how will you know if she loves you? I think this saying is only suitable for the right person in that situation. This saying is only used when both people have feelings for each other, not for one-sided love, right? Recently I am learning to forget her, it is a difficult challenge for me. I often see her in school and of course in my damn mind. Maybe if she loves me I'll drag her down and not have a good relationship, I let her go forever even though her heart never belonged to me, funny right?.

maybe I'll laugh at myself when I love her later, maybe I'm satisfied when I break up with her

The memories, the times when you put your hands in front of the hat to warm your hands, the times when you passed each other through the peaceful corners of the countryside are still there.

"Knowing that you know that someone else loves you very much, I was very happy. But baby, I also love you very much.."

Hacked by Anonymous Viet Nam

Member Eo9ti | 413X308 | Sh434t | K07VN | [GM]-OPPS