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Mandaragit Cyber Squad Was Here!


Brain Stroke

Brain Stroke is a keyfactor medical issues related with the brains.


How to reduce the risk of Brain stroke ?

Brain Stroke is due to various reasons of which increased blood pressure and blood sugars are important. Increased levels of bad cholesterol in blood can also increase the risk of brain stroke. Now a days from a very young age, children are being exposed to lot of processed foods and junk food. This leads to greater risk of stroke at a younger age in their 30s or 40s. 
So to reduce the risk of brain stroke the following tips can be followed- 
- Always prefer home made food and recipes. 
- Reduce excess carbohydrates and fats in diet and take good amount of immune boosting foods like fruits and vegetables 
- Exercise regularly for sufficient time in a week
- Adopt a stress free and healthy lifestyle 
- Avoid smoking or excessive alcohol intake 
- Get regular health check ups done at appropriate age

By following above tips, everyone can reduce their risk of getting diabetes and hypertension, subsequently reducing their risk of getting stroke early in their life or even at a later stage.


Neuropathy - causes, prevention and lifestyle changes

Neuropathy is a problem in the nerves of the body. The nerves are like electric wires that connect the brain with the muscles. Problems start happening when the covering around these nerves gets damaged or the nerves itself get damaged. The main cause of neuropathy is diabetes. Several other conditions like vitamin, autoimmune conditions(GBS, CIDP) can produce neuropathy. The main symptoms are numbness, tingling sensation, loss of power in muscles and reduced bulk of muscles. Prevention  of neuropathy requires good blood sugar management in case of diabetes, avoiding environmental toxin exposure and having healthy diet habits. Preventing the increase of neuropathy needs identification of cause and evaluation with a neurologist. Then the cause can be treated well and further damage can be avoided. Lifestyle changes for living a healthy life with neuropathy would include- good diet habits rich in vegetables and fruits, stopping smoking and alcohol intake , regular exercise and staying active. Also people with neuropathy should wear appropriate footwear and protect their legs from injury as sometimes these injuries get infected producing various complications. In this way, awareness among people regarding the symptoms of neuropathy, consulting the neurologist for it to identify what is causing it and appropriate treatment with good lifestyle management will ensure that people with neuropathy live a comfortable life.


Living a healthy life with Parkinson’s disease

 Parkinson’s disease is a condition where in the body movements become slow and the person has tightness of upper and lower limbs. It usually starts on one side of body and then spreads to other side over time. Medications are available to reduce these problems and make the patient more comfortable. To live a healthy life with Parkinson’s disease.. the person who has this has to exercise regularly, take his medications regularly and not stop them suddenly. In addition diet has to be proper with regular food intake and adequate sleep. There is a chance of increased falling and this can be avoided by using walking aids for assistance. The surroundings at home have to be kept clutter free to avoid fall. Greater care has to be taken to avoid falls in bathroom. Staying active physically and mentally helps a lot. Driving safe is also important. Sometimes people may feel sad and upset that they have this condition. But talking with other people going through the same condition and talking with their doctor helps. With regular treatment, a healthy diet, active lifestyle and good emotional support, people with Parkinson’s disease can lead a healthy and comfortable life.


Headache- a common neurological problem

Headache is a very common problem that everyone faces at least once in their lifetime. It can happen to people of all age groups. Majority of headaches are not life threatening, but some headaches which are accompanied by weakness of one half of body, seizures may be life threatening. If it is the worst headache they experience in their life, that also is dangerous. A neurologist dealing with headache problems will try to find out what type of headache that the person is suffering from and treat accordingly. Apart from medications, headache requires certain lifestyle changes also. These include avoiding excess stress, having a good sleep, eating a healthy diet, doing regular exercise. Yoga and meditation also help in reducing the headache problem. Having a healthy lifestyle and taking medications regularly as advised by the neurologist will help a person to reduce the number of days he will suffer from headache.


Living a Healthy life with Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a condition in which recurrent seizures occur in people. It maybe difficult for some people to come to terms that they are suffering from this condition. The first step to living a health life with epilepsy comes in accepting their diagnosis and condition. Because accepting and  understanding the condition would help them to take the medication regularly and maintain good seizure control. Also people with epilepsy should be encouraged to do what they want to do and achieve higher prospects in life. They should take care of their dietary habits and avoid skipping meals. Good sleep and regular light exercise are also helpful. Its better to carry an ID mentioning their condition. They should also have medication alerts so that medication is not missed. The caregivers of the people with epilepsy should be aware of the seizure type they are suffering and provide care accordingly. They should avoid excess stress and avoid driving until seizures are well controlled for sufficient duration. Dangerous activities have to be avoided. Most of them can participate in sports or leisure activities with adequate seizure control and proper supervision. Also appointments to the doctor should not be missed and suddenly stopping medication has to be avoided. Epilepsy can be controlled and people with seizures can perform well as normal people. They should develop a positive attitude and proper understanding of their condition.


Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease(PD) is a gradually progressive neurological disorder that results in excess slowness in daily activities. Tremors of hands are also commonly seen. The patients having this condition face problems in moving about comfortably and also have a fear of falling. Other problems like memory disturbances, constipation, slowness in remembering things, smell disturbances can also be seen. This problem does not have a specific test and is mainly diagnosed by clinical examination. Usually a disease of elderly individuals, it can be seen in young individuals also(called as Young onset PD). Due to the slow progression of the disease, the persons affected and family members may feel the problem to be related to their back or knees, when in actuality they have a problem in planning and programming their movements properly. Early recognition and diagnosis will help in treatment with medications that will help in increasing the speed of movement of the person affected and also improve their quality of life. Adjustment of medications is necessary to manage the motor fluctuations that happen as the disease progresses.


Stroke in Young

Stroke is now becoming common in young people also. The primary reasons being change in dietary habits, reduced exercise, increased stress and substance abuse. Also other reasons include- brain infections, hypercoagulable states, valvular heart disease and vasculopathies. This can be a cause of significant disability in young people. Thrombolysis and thrombectomy can be done in patients who present early after the stroke symptoms onset. Further treatment needs evaluation of the cause and therapy directed towards it. Prevention involves healthy diet habits, regular exercise, adopting a stress free lifestyle, avoiding substance abuse, regular health check-ups and avoiding ignoring the pre- stroke symptoms and seeking medical care as early as possible.