10-Nov-2021 08:30 PM Posted by Mr.3D4N08

Reading Time : Hacked By Mr.3D4N08



10-Nov-2021 08:28 PM Posted by w

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10-Nov-2021 08:27 PM Posted by w

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10-Nov-2021 08:27 PM Posted by w

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10-Nov-2021 08:27 PM Posted by w

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10-Nov-2021 08:26 PM Posted by w

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10-Nov-2021 08:26 PM Posted by w

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10-Nov-2021 08:25 PM Posted by w

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10-Nov-2021 08:25 PM Posted by w

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The Power of Storytelling: How to Reimagine Your Sales Narrative

04-May-2021 11:21 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

One of the many things that was profoundly and permanently impacted by the global pandemic is the customer behavior. It has not only changed drastically for the last one year, but will remain dynamic and unpredictable in the years to come. In response, sales models have pivoted significantly and should continue to stay dynamic in today’s world.


The definitive guide to Data Migration: Basic to Advance

17-Mar-2021 10:38 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Enterprises value cloud more than ever, as they enter into a new chapter of growth. The last one year has been the most eventful year for the cloud computing industry, with businesses of all sizes rushing to cloud with extraordinary pace and enthusiasm. In many ways, cloud has been the single largest enabler of some of the massive shifts that the world went through—be it remote working, the need for speed, doing more with less or resilience.


Everything You Need to Know About Entry Level Storage Solutions

17-Feb-2021 08:47 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Today, every business aspires to become data-driven and data-empowered. Irrespective of how big or small the organization is, being data-driven is a matter of survival in the new digital economy. Data is at the core of creating & delivering new customer experiences, improving top lines & profitability and innovating continuously.


Getting a handle on data sprawl through classification and discovery

18-Nov-2020 08:47 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minute

Data has been awarded many titles by now - the new oil, the biggest business asset and so on. Whatever we like to call it, the power of data in driving transformational changes for a business and the overall society is undisputed.


When adaptability becomes the strongest impetus

08-Oct-2020 02:42 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Last six months have been a challenging yet one of the most meaningful phases for all of us. When the pandemic struck rather unexpectedly, we barely had the time to think through, gather the ammunition and prepare ourselves for what turned out to be an intense battle with the virus.


Data Protection Solution in The Era of Data Management

29-Aug-2020 12:06 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

Technobind is bringing the revolutionary data protection technology to protect organizations against ransomware and a whole lot of data protection challenges being faced during and after the pandemic.


Pulling ahead of your competitors in the Covid-19 game

17-Jul-2020 11:37 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Covid-19 has taught us many new lessons so far. One of the key takeaways from the pandemic probably is — when one door closes, another one opens! The initial days of the nation-wide lockdown were particularly challenging for all industries. On one side, customers were badly hit, and the channel community too took the strain.


How to be part of your customer’s business restart strategy in post-Covid-19 world

09-Jun-2020 12:49 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

When times are good, organizations go on a spending spree. IT budgets look flashy. Technology vendors and service providers are flooded with opportunities. 2020 was such a year. Predictions assured us that businesses would generously increase their tech spend in 2020 as they innovate and upgrade their infrastructure. We remained highly optimistic - till the Covid-19 pandemic turned our world upside down.


The Post Covid-19 world & new opportunities for the Tech Channel

18-May-2020 01:27 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 5 Minutes

As businesses globally grapple with Covid-19 disruption, we have come to terms with many new world realities. On one hand, the pandemic has been a major blow for many brands. But on the other hand, it has proven to be a blessing in disguise for quite a few.


Adapting to the new ‘Normal’

06-Apr-2020 11:11 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

As I pen down this blog, Corona virus cases worldwide breached the 1 million mark and death toll is steadily climbing. What started off in a relatively unknown city of Wuhan in the central China has now become a global pandemic affecting more than 200 countries.


Being the change maker in the new data-driven world

09-Mar-2020 10:14 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

There was a time when cynics questioned the prospects of technology distribution. Many predicted that traditional IT distribution models will fade away as cloud and other disruptive technologies take center stage. Despite the doubt and drastically changing market dynamics, distribution continued to flourish—still contributing as much as 80 percent of the revenues of most major technology vendors.


Learnings from 2019 and the things we do right

16-Jan-2020 12:38 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

The year 2019 wasn’t an easy one for the global economy. Fears of an impending recession, the US-China trade war and the potential impacts of Brexit along with other factors have been casting a shadow over future prospects.


The Taming of Unstructured data

10-Dec-2019 03:34 PM Posted by Adrian Johnson, Director - Technology, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

“Data is the new oil” is probably one of the most repeated analogies that you have heard in the enterprise tech world. Rightly so! Data is indeed the most valuable business asset which powers nearly all the technology-driven initiatives of an organization. However, unlike oil, data is not really a finite resource.


Why Privileged Access management is at the Top of the Heap

31-Oct-2019 05:15 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

Security spending has always been on an upward trajectory, across industries and geographies, irrespective of what the economic and market conditions are—for obvious reasons.


Fighting the odds and Winning the AI game

17-Oct-2019 12:59 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Is Artificial Intelligence the new golden child? One thing is certain - there isn’t a single industry that hasn’t explored at least one use-case of this technology in the last one year. Many global enterprises are already deploying this technology at scale.


‘Cloud first’, because Cloud will Last

07-Aug-2019 10:43 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

We are not new to the “data is the new business asset” messaging anymore. The increase in investments around data, and technologies that can unleash the actual potential of data has in fact been phenomenal.


Mastering the ‘Business’ of selling Technology

08-Jul-2019 12:00 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

What frustrates a CIO the most? It’s a pretty difficult riddle. Could it be the shrinking budgets? Unrealistic expectations from the business? Fear of outage? While all of these are huge concerns, I think the most frustrating experience for a CIO is dealing with an outdated sales pitch.


Here’s how to Mint Money from Cloud

07-May-2019 11:51 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Since the time cloud computing became a buzz word in the industry, I have met many partners who think “cloud opportunity” is an oxymoron for the channel.This could be because Cloud has, in many ways, eaten into their customary solution business.


Another Year of Opportunities as Hardware Makes a Grand Comeback

03-Apr-2019 01:09 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

Data centers, over the years, have gone through colossal transformations. Companies are investing billions of dollars on modernizing their infrastructure to meet the emerging needs.


Backup Appliances are here: Get ready for the Future

08-Mar-2019 10:44 AM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

How do your customers perceive data backup? Do they look at it as the ‘inevitable evil’ which can not be ignored? Do they struggle to justify the cost and resources dedicated in bringing an end-to-end backup system up and running?


The Power of Information Exchange in Reskilling our Tech Workforce

05-Feb-2019 05:56 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

The Indian IT industry is going through a major transformation. The metrics that we once used to define success are being thrown out of the window.


2019: Why it will be A Banner Year for ‘Data’

31-Dec-2018 01:49 PM Posted by Prashanth GJ, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

2018 was a transformative year for the Indian enterprises in more ways than one. Data was at the centre of our critical business and technology discussions. Digital businesses mandated new ways of utilizing data and redefining customer experiences.


Decluttering the Endpoint Management

22-Dec-2018 11:52 AM Posted by Prashanth G J, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Employee experience Vs corporate data protection was a tricky, time-consuming debate when BYOD emerged as a concept. Over the years, many CISOs and CIOs have woken up to the fact that ‘restriction’ is a futile exercise.


How to overcome the “fear of missing out” aka FOMO about cloud?

14-Nov-2018 01:07 PM Posted by Prashanth G J, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Security is not really the biggest fear around cloud computing any longer! I know you must be thinking, “That’s old news”. But do you know what the most common ‘cloud fear’ is? It’s actually the ‘fear of missing out’ or FOMO, as it has been adeptly acronymized!


New Beginnings and New Wins!

04-Oct-2018 02:17 PM Posted by Prashanth G J, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

Transform or perish! That’s the slogan of the digital era. In fact, digital is the reason more than half of the Fortune 500 companies disappeared since the year 2000. Transformation of the IT department is a decisive factor, if IT leaders must stay relevant in this digital economy. At the core of this transformation is the IT’s ability to be faster, smarter and more responsive.


Opportunity for SMBs: Call to arms for collaboration

09-Aug-2018 04:49 PM Posted by Prashanth G J, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

The Indian SMB sector has become as one of the fastest growing industries in the country over the past couple of decades. Fast adoption of Cloud technology has come with the promise of serious transformation in the past few years. According to a report by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, the Indian SME sector employs more than 80 million people across 36 million units, and contributes over 45 per cent to manufacturing and over 40 per cent to the Indian export sector.


TechnoBind Started Cloud Journey - The Agenda Is To Help Customers Adopt Cloud

09-Aug-2018 04:48 PM Posted by Prashanth G J, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Data backup as a service may not be the most exciting aspect of a business but it definitely is one of the most crucial ones to watch out for. These processes are necessary for an organisation to protect preserve and manage information in order to meet security recovery and regulatory demands. Ignoring it could put businesses at jeopardy. Decision making from key analysis and processes can be disrupted when data has been altered.


Modernize your Backup: Why Customers will Pay Attention to You

09-Aug-2018 04:40 PM Posted by Prashanth G J, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

Data Loss is arguably the single biggest fear encountered by IT today. No matter what the causes are, a data loss event results in serious repercussions for the organization. The impact of downtime, both on IT as well as on business, is immediate and overarching. 64 percent IT pros consider a data loss event as a life or death situation for their business, according to an IDC study conducted in the past.


Be a part of the Paradigm Shift in Data Analytics

09-Aug-2018 01:30 PM Posted by Prashanth G J, CEO, Technobind

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

If there is one topic that the CIOs never get bored of, its the data analytics! This technology has been at the top of the CIO list for many years now. In the latest Gartner survey, CIOs were asked to name the top differentiating technologies for 2018. Business intelligence and analytics still continue to be their number one priority, with top performers most likely to consider them strategic, says the research agency.