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Latest Updates
  • Due to upgradation Shikshaa's EUREKA - eLearning Platform will not be available from 01-10-2013 to 03-10-2013
  • Last date for the online submission of applications for NTSE is extended upto 05-10-2013.
  • Shikshaa Edutech has been associated with SBOA Matriculation Hr.secondary School (Annanagar West), Bhaktavatsalam Vidyashram (Korattur) and Alpha Matriculation Higher Secondary School (West CIT Nagar) for offering IIT-Foundation & NTSE Scholar program to the students
  • Champions Knowledge Bank - The Superior Distance Learning Program.For more details,click here.
  • Free FORMULAE BOOKLET of Maths, Physics and Chemistry.Click here to download
What’s so special about us?

  • Shikshaa’s robust E-learning platform seamlessly integrates with classroom coaching to provide wholesome educational experience to the students.
  • Shikshaa has developed a scientific and proprietary teaching methodology – ARMOR. It stands for Assessment, Rigor, Mentoring, Online tools and Results. ARMOR enhances the learning capabilities of students.

  • Shikshaa provides for e-bulletin boards for discussion with peer groups, which promote active and healthy interaction between the students. Shikshaa also provides for another e-bulletin board where students can post questions to faculty. These queries shall be responded to by the faculty and shall be visible to all the students.

  • Shikshaa has a large Question Bank of about 10000 questions with solutions to enable students to have exclusive practice at the convenience of their home.
  • Shikshaa Edutech has stringent norms for selecting its faculty members. The faculty members are highly qualified and include doctorates in the relevant subjects. The faculty members are also experienced in teaching the student community for various competitive examinations for many years.


Chief Promoter

Ranjit Narasimhan

"Former President and CEO of HCL BPO, has founded Shikshaa Edutech Ltd. with a vision to provide wholesome education and prepare the students for a lifelong career of excellence."

Admissions Open

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