About Us

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Risk Karma is fast growing MSSP focused on providing rapid, impactful, and cost-effective Cybersecurity Risk solutions for both Enterprises (1st Parties) and their Vendors/Suppliers (3rd Parties). Our focus is in (4) key areas: 1) Comprehessive continuous cyber risk monitoring and rating service for enterprises and their third parties 2) (RaaS) Ransomware-as-a-service - proactve continuous monitoring that acts as an early warning system for ransomware atatcks, 3) (TPRM) as-a-Service is an assessment, advisory and consulting service and 4) Conducting Security Questionaire-based supllloer risk assessments. 

The risks third parties pose to enterprises continue to mount even as security leaders accelerate their efforts to improve security overall. As CISOs improve network, cloud, endpoint, application and user level security, third parties have become the entry points for some of the largest breaches and ransomware attacks to date. The need to make third-party assessments in all organizations a top concern has already been validated. The proven way to fulfill and act on this growing concern is to conduct third-party risk assessments either yourself or through a trusted outsourced service provider. A third-party risk assessment is an analysis of vendor risk posed by an organization’s third-party relationships along the entire supply chain, including vendors, service providers, and suppliers. Risks to be considered include security risk, business continuity risk, privacy risk, and reputational risk. Third-party risk assessments continue to remain a crucial part of every third-party risk management program (TPRM). We exist to help lessen the buden (both financially and resources wise) on organizations in conducting effective due diligence on themselves and their entire supplier chain.

Risk Karma’s (TPRM) as-a-Service is an assessment, advisory and consulting service offering driven to help solve the many challenges organizations face when managing the ever-increasing risks from outsourcing to third parties. We are talented team of ex-CISOs and top-notch security professional that have a passion in the Enterprise Cyber Security and TPRM space. As a team we have been advising and consulting on topics of Enterprise Cyber Risk and Third-Party Risk Management in various capacities over the last 15 years. We are experts in our domain and don't try to do all things cyber security, this keep us effective, focused and revevant to our client's specific needs which then allows us to ultimately achive their desired outcomes.

Our Target Audiance: Our services while directed towards our client's 3rd parties is often leveraged by our clients themselves as a proactive cost-effectiev way to continuously monitor their cyber security posture (Cyber Hygiene) and as a early warning system for ransomware attacks.

Our Commitment
Guide With Expertise

We work with customers and vendors in a consultative/advisory and collaborative way

Keep Promises

We are vigilant and focused on doing what we say and, where possible, exceed customer expectations.

Cultivate Progress

We help customers evolve their vendor risk management maturity at the right pace.

Constantly Evolve & Mature

We continuously improve what we do, and increase the value we bring to our customers.

Help Customer Achieve Desired Outcomes

We help businesses prioritize their efforts in a practical manner that’s impactful

Help Customer Achieve Desired Outcomes

We help businesses prioritize their efforts in a practical manner that’s impactful

Remain Connected

Our client relationships matter. We invest in our client relationship with a shared risk/shared reward model. We do the right thing to build trust.

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