Hacked By Calutax07Pekerjaan


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    41,531 Hacked By Calutax07 pekerjaan ditemukan, seharga USD

    Midtrans Payment Gateway integration into the finished App, and adding a category to one of the menus

    $188 (Avg Bid)
    $188 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    Saya membutuhkan jasa programmer untuk dapat menarik feeds dari Pinterest berdasarkan search term / keyword ke website saya dengan tampilan yang sama seperti di Pinterest.

    $111 (Avg Bid)
    $111 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Sy memerlukankan seorg yg faham dan pandai menggunakan labview untuk communicate antara pc dan picoammeter dgn menggunakan labview dan cable rs232 sebagai perantara.

    $8 - $25
    $8 - $25
    0 penawaran
    today must stand by Berakhir left

    .Rumus Volume Limas Segi empat Dan Luas Permukaan LimasRumus Volume Limas Segi empat Dan Luas Permukaan Limas segi empat - Limas segiempat merupakan salah satu bangun ruang (3 dimensi) yang mempunyai lima sisi dengan alasnya yang berbentuk segi empat dan sisi tegaknya berbentuk segitiga. Sebelumnya kita sudah membahas salah satu jenis limas yaitu limas [login untuk melihat URL] lima segi...

    $45 (Avg Bid)
    $45 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan android aplikasi e-commerce. Dibutuhkan siap dalam 3-4 bulan untuk development dan testing.

    $1578 (Avg Bid)
    $1578 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan android aplikasi e-commerce. Dibutuhkan siap dalam 3-4 bulan untuk development dan testing.

    $1556 (Avg Bid)
    $1556 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    dari table dibuat halaman asp.net dengan vb.net yang menampilkan org chart yang bisa dipilih dari ID member dan level view yang diinginkan gambar terlampir

    $43 (Avg Bid)
    $43 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    My Skypename: volkan250979 My Skypename: volkan250979 My Skypename: volkan250979 My Skypename: volkan250979 My Skypename: volkan250979

    $10 (Avg Bid)
    $10 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    My Skypename is: volkan250979 My Skypename is: volkan250979 My Skypename is: volkan250979 My Skypename is: volkan250979

    $10 (Avg Bid)
    $10 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    My Skypename is: volkan250979 My Skypename is: volkan250979 My Skypename is: volkan250979 My Skypename is: volkan250979

    $10 (Avg Bid)
    $10 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    $10 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Membuat laporan mingguan, bulanan terhadap PR user (purchase request by user), line by dept. expense by vendor, line order and line request by vendor

    $874 (Avg Bid)
    $874 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    The Neglected Dimension Papers for The istanbul Roundtable on development, The Human Dimension. September 2-4,1985

    $111 (Avg Bid)
    $111 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Saya ingin membuat program group chatting di android seperti pada naverline tapi dalam versi lebih sederhananya.. Program ini menggunakan localhost XAMPP dan JSON untuk menghubungkan android dengan server.. Saya lagi ada kendala dalam pengaturan multi threading dan penggunaan socket untuk chatting ini.. Dan juga pengiriman invitation dan notification seperti pada naverline..

    $111 (Avg Bid)
    $111 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    kami dari [login untuk melihat URL] BAHANA SUKSES ingin menawarkan kerjasama dibidang jasa pengurusan barang import, MKL/ MKU, jasa custom clearance import Laut dan udara, door to door service, jasa custom import borongan ( ALL IN) dan under name consignee and legality, selain jasa custom clearance [login untuk melihat URL] BAHANA SUKSES juga melayani jasa ekspedisi dan cargo laut/ darat antar kot...

    $750 (Avg Bid)
    $750 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    kami dari [login untuk melihat URL] BAHANA SUKSES ingin menawarkan kerjasama dibidang jasa pengurusan barang import, MKL/ MKU, jasa custom clearance import Laut dan udara, door to door service, jasa custom import borongan ( ALL IN) dan under name consignee and legality, selain jasa custom clearance [login untuk melihat URL] BAHANA SUKSES juga melayani jasa ekspedisi dan cargo laut/ darat antar kot...

    $649 (Avg Bid)
    $649 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Searching who can help for my project, need to post sort order by ACF repeater fields date. Some post have more than one date and time.

    $35 (Avg Bid)
    $35 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    Tasks are but not limited to: Network Topology design Labeling IP addresses and Subnets design setup Users and groups configuration DSS (Management server) configuration EVS (Storage server configuration) Cameras configuration Storage redundancy, location and schedule configuration ReportDocumentation

    $607 (Avg Bid)
    $607 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    Codeigniter, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML 5 We are looking for world-class PHP Programmers (Junior/Senior) who are passionate about writing high-quality code by following best practices. - A solid understanding of web application development processes, from the layout/user interface to relational database structures. - Troubleshoot, test, and maintain the core product software and databases to ensu...

    $5 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $5 / hr Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    I have an XML file , and would like to convert it to PDF using Arbortext editor , Altova XML spy , MS VISUAL code etc.. This work will take less than 2 hrs for an experienced candidate if he has similar experience. Will share the details once I finalized a resource . Thanks

    $14 (Avg Bid)
    $14 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Sign a balance sheet of turnover about 12 lakhs and issue compilation report under SRS 4410

    $21 (Avg Bid)
    $21 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Need to have affidavit of residence filled and signed by UK tax authority (see attached file). I live in France but my company is registred in the UK, and i know how to get this done. I need someone to take care of this. Thank you

    $109 (Avg Bid)
    $109 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    I have a video submitted by a freelancer who I can't reach right now. I need to correct some spelling mistaker ( 3 Corrections only ) on the subtitles * No open file.. It's an MP4 file * I need it by tomorrow evening.

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 Rata-rata
    47 penawaran
    Creations by bessy Facebook 6 Hari left

    Looking to get help with posting Facebook post similar to instyle auction Facebook post. Not sure if it a Facebook post or pulling from website. See attached pic but when you scroll over post it pop up the price

    $14 (Avg Bid)
    $14 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    I am trying to develop the knowledge necessary in order to be able to build MLOPs pipelines using Sagemaker Projects/Pipelines offering. The basic requirements of this project is two fold: 1) A step by step instruction document with screenshots on how to to setup a Sagemaker Project using **Julia** code for models, NOT PYTHON 2) A walk through of that document and demonstration that will involve...

    $115 (Avg Bid)
    $115 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I want to hire someone to work on a case that involves a consumer bank with a range of products which would like to cross-sell insurance to its consumer base (that is, cross-sell the PPI insurance product to those customers who have a secured or unsecured type of loan, but no PPI product as yet. The bank would like to adopt analytics driven approach applied on the sample data for deciding: 1. Who...

    $21 - $171
    $21 - $171
    0 penawaran

    Project details - Issues currently Faced, 1. Database Size increase every 2 weeks going over quota limit leading to account suspension 2. Cache Mgmt on StorePanel to Flush everytime [login untuk melihat URL] page disabled when accessing Role & other Configuration Settings from Storepanel 4. Users getting auto created, system is therefore hacked frequently 5. Linking of Dashboard Reports [login...

    $168 (Avg Bid)
    $168 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran

    I am looking to pay someone who can simply guide me on how to deploy a contract on Ethereum and add liquidity to Uniswap step by step. Never done coding before. I want to launch a token but this is very confusing and new to me. I just need someone to guide me step by step. English speaking is needed.

    $23 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $23 / hr Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    I need someone to replace the LSTM in an existing code by Bert Transformer for summaries

    $128 (Avg Bid)
    $128 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran
    $17 Rata-rata
    32 penawaran

    A vector of cv::Point is given. These points describe lines which are connected. The task is to find the crossings of these lines. As a simple illustration, please see: [login untuk melihat URL] Here the points are drawn white into a black image. In [login untuk melihat URL] the crossings are marked manually be green dots. They have to be found. As samples for development 11 point lists are give...

    $218 (Avg Bid)
    $218 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran

    We need to replace admob rewards ads with unity rewards ads with active inactive reward btn. When user has less than 251 coins and has no item in the game. add 1000 coins

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    I have a blutooth thermal printer, I require a small mobile app which can print image and QR code using Epson ESC/POS commands. its and urgent requirement need to be done in 1 day. those who have worked already on mobile app bluetooth image and QR code printing would have priority. its a one to 2 hour job if you have worked on it.

    $75 (Avg Bid)
    $75 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran
    modification more glass by photoshop 6 Hari left

    modification more glass by photoshop modification more glass by photoshop modification more glass by photoshop

    $34 (Avg Bid)
    $34 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    I'm looking to create an illustration graphic to show how my product works. the product is a kind of firewall but better. one graphic needs to show a computer environment with a regular firewall- which can be hacked. the other graphic with my product to show the same environment but now it's protected. I attached a similar graphic that is copywritten so we can't use or copy it exact...

    $74 (Avg Bid)
    $74 Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    We need a specialist who could entirely clean a hacked PHPBB website including but not limited to: (1) Removal of vulnerable/malicious injections and/or coding from "radicalhaxor". (2) Secure the website. (3) Test the navigation, login etc.. to ensure the website works properly again. (4) Update the current software - 2x40MB downloads are available. Note: don’t place unseriou...

    $165 (Avg Bid)
    $165 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran
    $25 Rata-rata
    28 penawaran

    In a picture, the same colors are used for many times repeatedly. For example 5 is a color, 5 5 5 5 5 5 ---> 6x5. Instead of 5 5 5 5 5 5, we can write only " 6 5 ". The number 6 shows how many times the number 5 is used. The algotrithm is called as "Run Length Encoding (RLE)". The problem: In this assignment, there is a gray image in pgm format where the colors are show...

    $120 (Avg Bid)
    $120 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I will provide you the template of After effect and give you the media files you just have to edit them and make me a video.

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Rata-rata
    23 penawaran
    modification by photochop 5 Hari left

    modification by photochop modification by photochop

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    $32 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    hello friends I am looking for best website developers for building my own sit like this: [login untuk melihat URL]

    $268 (Avg Bid)
    $268 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran
    Trophy icon Merch by amazon Designs 5 Hari left

    Hi I'm looking for a designer who can regularly create designs for me for Merch by Amazon. The best design on here will get $30 but after that we will find a fixed priced per design. What should you bring with you? -Reliable -Experience in the field (copyright, etc.) -Think for yourself (which niches are currently profitable) Questions to you -How many designs would you create in o...

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    69 entri

    since 3-4 months, hackers are active on my system. Internet service goes down.. Fb ac. gets hacked and such Can you help me make my system ( PC ) and mobile hack proof..!!?

    $76 (Avg Bid)
    $76 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    The scope of this phase is to provide code for android and iOS app and esp 32 to allow :- 1. Registration of device to App 2. app to show device online status 3. output a test msg from esp32 (input high or low)

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Themes maybe required - but cannot be unlicensed. The current is proto and the dev sold me hacked version All plugins that need updating and adding you need to be sure they work properly I want all website code secured no it never ever gets malware infections. SQL db needs cleaning of any malware links and all code from entire site needs to be cleaned from any hacked urls or malware type code ...

    $648 (Avg Bid)
    $648 Rata-rata
    69 penawaran

    I need a developer to complete the project by converting data into candles The data contains the symbol, the opening, the lowest, the highest, and the closing While selecting the symbol, candles are displayed as in the picture Interval one day per candle C# developer ----------------------------- Please read the project and do not waste my time explaining Do not ask for more money after the offer ...

    $45 (Avg Bid)
    $45 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Essay: Please consult any excerpt from Mrs Dalloway and argue whether the novel is a pure literary experiment or whether it has basis in actuality reminiscent of realism. 350 words Deadline thursday 10th june 2021 midnight united kingdom:

    $69 (Avg Bid)
    $69 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    check total 3 circle inside this this type of design i want each circle anywhere you press it change to increase by one and its color change like this you have to do for 1, 2,3 , 4 ,5 so on

    $14 (Avg Bid)
    $14 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran
    watt by watt 4 Hari left

    We are planning to be a renewable energy startup. We will primarily be dealing with solar power however it could be any of the renewable energy resource. Watt by Watt means that we will be adding and building renewable energy solar systems incrementally. We are looking for a logo that is simple, catchy, attractive with colour schemes representing nature palette.

    $16 (Avg Bid)
    $16 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran