The full form of DMIT is, Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test. It is a scientific study associated with fingerprint patterns and brain lobes. This will helps in understanding a unique inborn potential and personality. DMIT Test Technique has long been developed by scientist Dr.Howard Gardner and medical experts. DMIT Analysis will be based on Neuroscience and Multiple Intelligence Theory. Know your Strength and weakness by DMIT Test Report based on Dermatoglyphics and brain analysis.
Brain Lobes & Multiple Intelligence Test
Theory of Multiple Intelligence TestAll humans possess all Multiple intelligence in ranging amounts. Each individual has a different sort of intellectual composition. We all can improve education and learning style by addressing 9 multiple intelligences of our students. These multiple intelligence are centered at different parts of the brain Lobes. Intelligence may either work individually or together depends on ability. All these intelligence will define the human personality type. 9 Multiple Intelligences Test
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