TRIS is a premier educational institution in Kurichy, Kottayam catering to the educational needs of Kindergarten, Primary and Middle school students.
We offer state- of-the-art learning in a positive and nurturing environment with an ideal student teacher ratio.
At TRIS children learn, laugh, share and blossom together. The student led, theme based morning assembly is a platform for their personality development. They start enjoying their class without any tension after the assembly. At TRIS, students experience the joy of learning.
TRIS adopts and adapts the philosophy of CBSE to practice education for all without discrimination of any sort so that the needs of this age group are addressed. The prime focus of the school is to a great extent the same as the Board. The school practices a skill based curriculum and is content driven too.
"Mission serves humanity and clear vision rules the missions. The immaculate vision of man foretells his destiny. If we probe it in depth, we will find that we are here on earth to fulfill a mission within the shortest time of our own lives".
Dr S.A. Raja
Every new day dawns with different challenges. The future rushing towards us with supersonic speed has to be faced boldly. The aim of TRIS is to equip the students to tread on the “un-trodden” path with dedicated discipline and internal motivation to take success in their stride. To achieve success is one of the toughest challenges; but, the highly committed staff and students of TRIS will achieve this feat. Trisians must believe in themselves and in their lofty goals. They must make big plans, aim even higher and work tirelessly to remain at the pinnacle of their achievements. I have complete faith in their inherent potential to revolutionize the meaning of success and excellence.
Dr. S.A.Joy Raja M.B.A.PhD (USA)